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Dr Sherylle Calder - Improve your Visual Performance

There is a lot more to being a professional athlete than just going to gym and eating right. We have to perfect every fibre of our body. This includes doing exercises that help us improve our eye-hand or eye-foot coordination.
Dr Sherylle Calder from EyeGym helps me enhance these abilities. When people see more, they can assess the situation much quicker, therefore exercising their options, and ultimately making better decisions.
A very interesting stat is that 80-90% of decisions made in sport are based upon visual information!
Most people are born with good eyesight, but vision, the ability to identify, interpret and understand can be trained and improved.
Here are some reasons why I go to EyeGym:

I challenge you to a session with them. You will not be dissapointed!
Tel: +27 21 659-5642
You can also find them on Facebook and Twitter

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