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Sabi Sabi vs. Kirkman’s Kamp

Africa to me is a place that I can call home.  I have such a passion for giving back to wildlife and the people surrounding our magnificent bushlands. In this day and age, globally we find people and companies doing whatever it takes to survive. Survival of the fittest, a spirit of giving, one which helps people and the wildlife together is what I’m passionate about. One which shares natural resources on a principal of equality between man and nature. This very spirit values the good of the community above self-interest.  We all benefit greatly from having all our amazing wild animals. A lot of families rely heavily on the revenue generated by tourists both locally and internationally. I can see a mind shift in the locals. It is this African passion which excites me and drives me to getting more involved.

Not often do you find two lodges joining force for a common cause. Sabi Sabi and Kirkman’s Kamp are lodges found in the Sabi Sands region who both have a passion for the area that surrounds them. Both who feel they have an obligation to give back to the community, and to their staff who work hard at what they do. A football match was arranged between these lodges which shook the very ground which we played on. The African bush was our field, the sun our stadium lights, and untamed wildlife our spectators. Game rangers and trackers from both lodges would battle it out in the open field with pride as the trophy.

I recall driving around in the Sabi Sands region just before the match thinking to myself – “Not only am I about to play in the middle of the bush where lions and other dangerous animals are roaming freely, but I am going to get attacked by the relentless African sun”.

I must say I was surprised by the standard of play from both teams, and the determination to win the match. It was just us, in the middle of the African bush, and reputation was there for the taking. I played for Kirkman’s Kamp on the day, and the boys played exceptionally well. I was thrilled to have scored a goal which isn’t the norm for me, since I make a living defending the goals, not scoring them.

Kirkman’s Kamp scored 3 goals, and Sabi Sabi only managed to score 2 before the final whistle. Both teams played exceptionally well, and the game was there for the taking at any point for both teams. What an experience it was to have played in such unusual terrain.

What an exhilarating experience. With a nights rest in the tranquil Kirkman’s Kamp lodge, it was not long till I found myself on my flight back home with Federal Air to the urban jungle.
Thanks to Federal Air for peace of mind whilst flying, it is your great hospitality and exceptional services that puts my mind at rest both before, during and after each flight. Your service is of the next level and I look forward to my next flight with the crew.   Thanks for your support and williness to get involved.

Thanks to Kirkman’s Kamp and the team for the accommodation and always ensuring that my stay at the lodge leaves me going home content, having witnessed an unbelievable sighting and overall sense of relaxation flowing through my veins.

Thanks must also go to Sabi Sabi and the team I played against. You boys have hearts of lions and I look forward to spending time in your lodge, training your ranges and seeing you out on the field!

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